Sunday, March 7, 2010

The way in which the United States HDTV World

The history of high-definition television, HDTV in the United States can be traced 15 years ago, remember.

It 'amazing to see that despite the short history of HDTV in the nation, HDTV begun to play an important role in the United States home entertainment system. Thanks to satellite TV providers, who constantly pushes hard drives on the market.

How does HDTV land on the United States?

15 years ealier back to year 1987, the FCC has meant a decisionbe issued for the HDTV standard that would be compatible with existing NTSC service and increase the VHF and UHF frequencies are limited.

By the end of 1988, 23 different proposals for HDTV or HDTV standards presented. These were all analog (or mixed analog / digital systems like MUSE) and explored a variety of different options for resolution, interlace and bandwidth.

In early 1990, the FCC announced that HDTV will be broadcast simultaneouslywith full HDTV standard, rather than the reduced resolution EDTV. A big step forward, even if they are still in analog form.

But wait U. San HDTV world not much time to "digitize". A few months later, May 31, 1990 General Instrument Corp. submitted the first proposal for a system of all digital HDTV. In December 1990, ATRC announced its entry into the digital HDTV system, followed quickly by Zenith HDTV and AT & T then MIT. Thus, there were fourserious contenders for digital HDTV in the United States, and a modified "narrow" MUSE and a proposal for HDTV. These systems were then tested in 1991-1992.

In 1993 a remarkable year for the United States HDTV history, the FCC has an important decision for all the digital technology - but does not decide among the four candidates. Then, after some discussion, a recommendation was made to a "grand alliance" of AT & T, GI, MIT, Philips, Sarnoff togetherThomson and Zenith. This grand alliance of HDTV would be the best features of the four HDTV systems and develop an HDTV standard. Most of the rest of the year 1993 was the establishment of the characteristics of this new HDTV standard dedicated.

In 1994 the system was built in 1995 and is scheduled for the exam. If all goes well and that the FCC is setting the standard by the end of 1995.

Teddy Bass


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